Here is the new Picture I am waiting on.

They accepted one more picture, and refused the other for, "The image contains elements that might be protected by copyright/trademark (logos, brands, specific buildings etc.) or could raise usage problems, therefore it doesn't qualify as a RF stock image. Analyze the photo closely and remove these elements if possible or try to obtain a property release." The picture they accepted is of a Strip mine in Globe/Superior area.
The picture they rejected is of the train.
This brings my total images on Dreamstime to 20.
Today we went up to the Payson area to take Pictures of the snow and whatever else we could find to photograph. We usually take my Twin brother Mike's vehicle whenever we go places and he never let's me drive and I always have to sit in the back seat, but not today. I was able to use my Mothers Ford Windstar on this trip, But first we had to make sure it could make the long trip without any problems. First we checked the steering fluid, then the Brake fluid, Battery water level, tire pressure, and made sure that all lights on the outside of the vehicle worked. The Ford Windstar has a scooter lift on it, attached to the hitch mount. It was heavy and bulky so we removed it for the trip. I drove the Van for the whole trip which I enjoyed. My Brother Robert was lounging in the back, My twin was in the front passenger seat playing on his laptop.
We arrived in Payson, AZ around 8:00am, we took Route 260 out towards Showlow. The 260 has been redone so it is a little safer. We then headed towards Woods Canyon Lake, which when we got there we could not go more then 20 feet up the road because of the fact that there was a couple of feet of snow on the road and we did not have snow chains or four wheel drive. Here are pictures of the entrance to Woods Canyon Lake area.
We decide to get out and take pictures and play in the snow.
We had to use an axe to break the top layer of snow off because it was rock hard. Mike threw snowballs at Robert and I, so I threw them back at him. Robert told me to load his stuff into the van before we left phoenix, But I left his heavier jackets at his House. I told him to make sure I had loaded everything into the van and he said "no I am busy", so he was a little cold. Before we left this spot I took a picture of the scenic overlook across the street which was closed for the season, can you see why.
We decide to leave this spot and head toward Showlow, everywhere we went the side roads were blocked by snow. We stopped to take more photo's and I decided to walk on the snow to get some good picture's, But If you go to Mike's Blog you will see that I did not get any good photo's but they got a GOOD LAUGH at what happened to me. The Photo below is the only good photo I got after the Laughter stopped. (Ripped pants not good in the cold!)
We turned around and head back toward Payson. We drove through the little town of Christopher Creek. We did not stop! We drove to Tonto Creek Fish Hatchery and took photo's of the hatchery. On the way to the Hatchery we stopped to take photo's of the Creek that ran next to the Road, and the snow on the mountain's.
Mike was waiting for Robert to take a Picture so he could walk down to the creek and take the pictures he wanted.
We continued on to the hatchery and stopped yet again.
Yes we do look like we are leaning.
We tried to take photo's of ourselves but Mike could not get in front of the camera fast enough so his face is blurred in this next photo.
We finally got to the Fish Hatchery.
I took Photo's of the old Fish ponds again but this time I did not have trouble finding them.
As we left the Tonto Creek area we stopped to take picture's of a Waterfall near Route 260.
We then went into Payson to go to Wal-Mart to get me a new pair of pants.(yes I have been doing all this with ripped pants) After we left Wal-Mart we headed to a Mexican Food Restaurant Called El Rancho Mexican Restaurant to get Lunch. I will never go back there again, It did not taste that good. Every time we burped we had to roll down the window due to the fact that there was too much oregano in the enchilada sauce, and it gave us bad breath.
After we ate, we headed toward the Pine/Strawberry area. We found nothing interesting and we turned around and headed back to Payson. We saw a creek near the road so we stop once again.
We crossed a bridge and found an outhouse. Behind the outhouse was a picnic area, it was kind of nice looking so we took more photo's.
After we took all the photo's we felt like taking, we headed back towards Payson and stopped at an Antique store. After we left the overly crowded store in other words lots of junk that was over priced, we then headed home to Phoenix. We got back to Phoenix after 5:00pm.
Dreamstime accepted two picture and refused two, and I still have two pending.
Here are the refused pictures.
Reasons for rejection are: This is a very well covered subject in our data base or the subject of your image is too specific. We are looking for images that exceed the technical quality and creativity of the images already online. Please take a few minutes to browse through the best selling images online (on this subject) and go deeper, play, have a more creative, more personal approach to it, also keeping in mind the technical quality of the image, and Lack of composition.
Here are the excepted pictures.
Here are the pending pictures.
I have a feeling these two pictures will get refused also.