Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fishing For Catfish

My older brother my Girlfriend and I went catfish fishing, and we got lucky and caught three catfish. I caught a two and one half pounder, My girlfriend caught a two pounder and a three and one half pounder, which gave her a good fight to land all by herself. She has never caught a catfish much less a 3 1/2 pounder. She caught it on a collapsible pole which was not made for catfish fishing. We used Bluegill as bait which we caught using Bar-S hot dogs I didn't want to waste any good hot dogs. We tried using dough baits and other fancy baits to catch catfish but all it took was free bait swimming in the Chaparral park lake. My older Brother did not catch anything at all, Just to get at least one catfish he did what we call Bogarting/Jamesing her spot which did not help him out at all he went home with nothing.

Here are some more pictures of the catfishes.

We threw all but one back, which a friend of mine had for dinner. My friend's wife is either lazy or she does not know how to cook because she microwaved the catfish. I don't eat fish and I find that gross, I feel sorry for him because he loves fish and that's how it gets cooked in his House. In case you are wondering he is 55 or older.

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